Newsletter – October 2008
October 20th, 2008At the Society’s recent AGM, the Secretary, Alan Atkinson, reported on the past year. Membership had risen, there had been a full programme of meetings arranged by Joan Barwick, rambles organised by Don Freeth and outings arranged by Ella Turner. Tom Pagett had kept the Research Group busy and Margaret Rorison had arranged the social events. The Treasurer, Roger Vingoe, expressed his concern at rising costs but was pleased to partially offset this by increased membership and the meetings organiser’s success in reducing speakers’ costs. The committee recommended a small increase in membership fee.
Chairman, Joan Ryder thanked the committee and members for their support as she stood down from her role. In the election of officers and committee members that followed, Ray Porter took over as chairman and Jean Atkinson as outings secretary.
Following refreshments, Irene Oliver delivered a talk entitled ‘Three Hagley Houses’. In an authoritative and fascinating presentation, Irene used maps and photographs to good effect as she explained some of the history of 50 Hall Lane, Rockingham Hall and Hagley House. Sadly, time passed all too quickly and the audience was left wishing to know so much more about these old houses in the village.