Newsletter – March 2016
March 8th, 2016Do you recall ‘Spy 13’? You probably won’t unless you were a schoolboy (or girl) in the late 1950’s. Spy 13 was a comic strip character, who as a World War II British spy, frequently parachuted into occupied Europe with his reliable B2 wireless set, on a series of secret and always successful missions. These stories were perhaps an attempt to raise the spirits of an austere post war Britain. I was reminded of this by the B2 wireless set brought along by our speaker this month, Ben Nock to complement his presentation ‘Clandestine Communications in WWII’.
Ben is the curator of the Military Wireless Museum in Kidderminster which is the result of a hobby turned into an obsession. He has more than 800 sets and he brought several of them disguised in their original suitcases to illustrate the history of the British Secret Service and its foreign counterparts. The Italian set was somewhat unreliable but housed in the most stylish suitcase which would not be out of place in any exclusive hotel. The British set was of excellent quality in an unassuming suitcase likely to contain an overnight change of clothes. The German set was of superb quality but in a rather military looking suitcase which even to casual observer was likely to contain a wireless set.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 3rd May. It is our annual Social Evening. There will be the usual refreshments followed by a presentation by members Irene Oliver and Don Freeth entitled ‘Hagley Roads Through the Ages’. Visitors are most welcome at all our events but on this occasion tickets must be purchased in advance – see home page for details and contacts.