Newsletter – October 2010
October 13th, 2010The Society’s October meeting was preceded by the Annual General Meeting. The usual reports were read and the new committee elected. Over the past year visitor numbers had been high, outings had been well attended, the Research Group had been active and the historical walks had proved popular. Special thanks were extended to Ken Price, who was retiring from the committee after 21 years’ service. Re-elected Chairman, Ray Porter gave details of the forthcoming historical walk around Uffmoor Wood and the trip to Bantock House, the Molineux Hotel and Park Brewery.
The speaker for the evening was Society member Peter Bloore, whose presentation was entitled ‘Strike a Light’. In an authoritative and humorous talk, Peter took us through the history of match production from the earliest days, when all sorts of lethal concoctions were used, right up to modern times. The hazards of working in Victorian factories, where much of the labour was by children, was not neglected and neither was the development of safer chemicals and improved methods of manufacture. Peter is a natural speaker and knew his topic, having been formerly involved in the industry. This was a most entertaining evening, even if one or two of the demonstrations were not as successful as they might have been!