Newsletter – March 2009
April 1st, 2009At the Society’s March meeting Chairman Ray Porter welcomed the speaker, Ralph Richardson who was to enthral his audience for the coming hour. The subject of his presentation, Richard III, had not enjoyed a good press over the years but Ralph set out to produce a balanced argument as to whether Richard’s deeds really were as bad as his reputation, focussing firstly on his appearance, then whether he really did seize the throne and, finally, whether he murdered the Princes in the Tower.
Was Richard as physically deformed as Shakespeare suggests or were his enemies distorting the truth? Did Richard seize the throne or was he content to be Lord Protector? Did he murder the Princes in the Tower? Ralph provided arguments for both sides on each of these issues but left his audience to make up their minds, although he did opine that Richard did have the Princes killed. The whole evening was presented with humour, insight and scholarship – just how history should be! Thank you Ralph: the large number present was testament to your reputation.