Hagley in 16th to 19th century
Aspects of Hagley’s History based on Documents from the Parish Chest
Edited by Roy Peacock M.A., M.Phil
Click on the chapter name to go to that chapter
Index of Documents, Illustrations, Figures and Maps (0.26MB)
The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (1.1MB)
The Early registers of Hagley__________________________1
Wills and Inventories of the Early Seventeenth Century_______ 7
The Relief of the Poor from 1781 to 1836 (2.0MB)
Forms of Relief___________________________________20
Settlement and removal_____________________________31
Apprenticeships and Indentures_______________________39
Paying for Poor Relief______________________________40
The Parish Constable and the Militia (0.6MB)
The Constables of Hagley____________________________45
The Militia______________________________________46
People and Property 1801 to 1851 (1.5MB)
The Social Structure of Hagley in the Early Nineteenth Century_53
The tithe Map and Schedule, 1838_____________________59
Hagley in 1851___________________________________66
Church and Parish in the Nineteenth Century (1.63MB)
The Lytteltons and the Parish_________________________71
Churches Old and New______________________________74
A Pew Rent Controversy_____________________________76
St.John’s Lychgate_________________________________77
Problems of a Growing Community_____________________80
Some Notable Residences____________________________83
The Schools of the Parish____________________________85
This publication has grown out of a course of evening classes arranged by the Extramural Studies Department of the University of Birmingham. The idea of the course was derived from the concern of the Parochial Church Council of St.John, Baptist, Hagley, for the condition of the documents in its care and especially for the older material in the Parish Chest. Although the contents were in sound condition, it was necessary to consider either improved methods of housing them or disposing of them to the local record office.
It seemed at the time that the course represented the last opportunity to study the contents of the Parish Chest on site. As a result, however, of the interest aroused by the classes, funds were raised by the parish to retain the records in approved conditions. The Parish Chest itself could no longer be used, but the contents are now housed in suitable metal cabinets
Two sessions of classes were held between 1981 and 1983 and seventeen members have contributed to its publication. The members of the group showed not only a high degree of enthusiasm in attending the weekly classes but redoubled their efforts to write up their studies as contributions to this publication. Individual contributions have become somewhat submerged in the collective effort, but responsibility for the different sets of documentary material was as follows:
Early Registers |
Mrs. Bronwen Pagett |
Mr. Tom Pagett |
Inventories |
Mrs. Pat Dunn |
Poor Law Papers |
Mr. Clive Corbett |
Mrs. Jean Pritchard |
Miss Rosemary Pritchard |
Dr. LilianWright |
Apprenticeship Indentures |
Mr. Martin Lister |
Constables’ Papers |
Mrs. Mary Holder |
Mrs. Margaret Stephen |
Militia Papers |
Mrs. Pat Dunn |
Social Stucture in Early 19th Century |
Mrs. Jean Pritchard |
Tithe map and Schedule |
Mrs. Janet Cholmondeley |
Census Material |
Mr. Clive Corbett |
Dr. John Gowar |
Documents relating to the Parish |
Mrs. Barbara Adams |
Mr. Clive Corbett |
Mr. Robert Deeley |
Mr. Geoffrey Parkes |
Mrs. Barbara Wormington |
School Papers |
Mrs. Sue Partridge |
As this publication is based very much on the documents in the Parish Chest, it can in no way be regarded as a history of Hagley. Nevertheless, several themes emerged as study proceeded and these themes have helped to give some coherence to this account. Some additional material was consulted, since the opportunity was taken to examine wills and inventories and the relevant Enumerators’ Books on the 1851 census.
We are grateful to the Rector, Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Hagley for this opportunity to study the Parish Chest and in addition for the use of the comfortable and well-heated gallery at St.Saviour’s, West Hagley. The class and its tutor are particularly indebted to the Parish Archivist and Class Secretary, Mrs. Jean Pritchard, whose organisation and energy were a major contribution to the success of the classes.
Thanks are also given to Mr. John Stevens for help in analysing the Constables’ Accounts, to David Bicknell, former pupil of Haybridge High School, for his drawing of Hagley Station Bridge and insignia, to Dr. J.E.Lally for his original tracing of the Tithe Map, to the Hereford and Worcester Record Office for permission to reproduce the Inventories and to the Public Record Office for the page of the Enumerator’s Book
Roy Peacock, Class Tutor.
Copyright © H.H.F.S