Historic Hagley Projects
Members of the Hagley Historical and Field Society
A review of projects undertaken in recent years
The following have taken part in making our various projects happen. Contributions in terms of individual’s expertise and time given has varied, but all have “enjoyed” taking part even when weather conditions were not quite ideal.
They are:
- Marie Barton
- Joan Barwick
- Rick Cooper
- Olwyn Coventry
- Robert Deeley
- Pat Dunn
- Nancy Field
- Don Freeth
- Irene Oliver
- Tom Pagett
- Mary Parry
- Alan Pritchard
- Jean Pritchard
- Margaret Rankin
- Bill Riley
- Edgar Smith
In acknowledging the work of the group it is also noted with thanks the back up support by wives, husbands and others who have co-operated in making the research work develop.
Click on the chapter name to go to that chapter
The Anglo-Saxon Boundaries of Swinford (2.8MB)
Jean Pritchard
Olwyn Coventry, Don Freeth, Irene Oliver
St.John’s Churchard, Hagley (1.1MB)
Tom Pagett
Hagley and the Defence of Britain (1.63MB)
Pat Dunn, Bill Riley
Olwyn Coventry, Don Freeth, Irene Oliver
Tom Pagett
This book is the result of a number of projects undertaken by members of Hagley Historical and Field Society. The group has been working together since 1990 and the work of the first two years was reported in “Watermill Sites in North Worcestershire”.
The Contents indicates the range of projects undertaken. Some have involved most of the group and others have been the work of perhaps two or three people
Some of the projects have involved fieldwork over the whole parish of Hagley; the Swinford boundaries project involved walking the present day Stourbridge boundary plus the alternatives proposed by other researchers in the past. The Defence of Britain project is nationwide and our contributions are channelled via Worcester to the national data base. Like the Memory Lane contributions the Defence of Britain results depend on the memories of people who were around at the time. A number of residents have helped by taking part in recorded interviews, which have been summarised and written up.
If a project has an element of archaeology in it then the detailed reports have been lodged with the Worcestershire Sites and Monuments Records in Worcester, otherwise Hagley Historical and Field Society retain the detailed material and will be pleased to share it with other archaeological, historical or genealogical researchers.
Copyright © H.H.F.S